

By Victoria Healthcare 24 May 2019

  1. Focus on a healthy diet

Prepare meals for your kids with a variety of protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, eggs, milk, etc. Also, veggies are especially healthy for them: provide your kids with sufficient fiber, vitamins, minerals. And the biggy: limit their junk food (fried chicken, hamburger, etc.), canned food, pre-made food (instant noodles and rice porridge, etc.).

On weekends, you can ask your kids to go to the supermarket and show them how to pick out fresh and healthy foods. After that, encourage your kids to join you in the kitchen or to bake cakes together for your family.

      2. Enroll in soft skill courses or foreign language classes

Summer is the perfect time for you to help your kids enroll in soft-skill courses such as the military semester, sex education class, scouting course, summer English camp, music or drama class, presentation course, swimming class, to name a few. This helps kids make new friends and pick up essential life skills that will benefit them throughout life, as well as learning new knowledge that can’t be taught in school.

       3. Form a group of close friends

You can ask your friends, co-workers, and relatives who have small children to form a group with your family. Then, organize a day for the kids to go camping, travelling, or play sports in the park. You can also encourage the kids to read books and discuss them together.

       4. Limit their time watching TV and smart devices

Kids are always attracted to entertaining programmes and cartoons on TV and games on smart devices. However, spending too much time in front of the screen isn’t good for kids’ eye health and intellectual development. Watching those screens just before bed can interfere with sleep by tricking your brain into thinking it is too light for a night’s sleep. Although you can’t completely restrict your kids from one-eyed bandits of your kids’ time, you may establish rules regarding the particular hours in which your kids are allowed to watch TV or play game.  

        5. Spend more time engaging in outdoor activities

You can take your kids swimming, playing soccer, jumping rope, kicking shuttlecock, playing hide-and-seek, or riding their bikes around the neighbourhood.

Besides, you can send your kids to your hometown so they can live with their grandparents during summertime. This is the chance for them to spend quality time with their grandparents, improving the family bond. It’s also the chance for your kids to enjoy traditional games for kids such as kite-flying, hopping, Mandarin square capturing, marbles, fishing, etc.

        6. Maintain a good sleeping schedule

In the summer, even if your kids don’t have to go to school, you should still ask them to go to bed on time and wake up early. Sufficient sleeping time helps kids stay healthy, grow up tall and strong, as well as be more active than those with sleep deficiency.