

By Victoria Healthcare 12 April 2019


How often should my child have a bowel movement (BM)? – It depends on how old he or she is:

In the first week of life: most babies have 4 or more BM/day with sof or liquid stool.
In the first 3 months: some babies have 2 or more BM/day, others have just 1  BM/week
By age 2, most kids have at least 1 BM/day with soft but solid stool

Remember: every child is different, some have BM after each meal, some have BM every other day
How will I know if my child is constipated? – Constipation is a disorder in which a child:
Have BM less frequently than normal ( two or fewer per week)
Hard or large stool with difficult BM (arch his or her back and cry)
Painful BM
Avoid going to the bathroom, do a “dance” or hide when he or she feels a BM coming. This often happens when potty training and when starting school
Leak small amounts of BM into the underwear (if she or he is toilet trained)
Why does my child get constipated?
Inadequate fiber intake
Excessive cow’s milk or milk products consumption
Inadequate fluid  intake
Avoid BM because of pain/ anal fissures
Poor movement/ do exercise

What if my child gets constipated?
Eat more fruits/ drink fruits juice ( 2-3 times/day), vegetables, cereal and other fiber rich foods
Limited cow’s milk, ice cream, yogurt, cheese ( 3 times/day: children >1 year old)
Drink more water  or other non-milk liquids
Toilet training: Sit on the toilet 5-10 minutes( 1-2 times/day) after meals (even he or she does not have BM)
Stop potty training for a while and wait 2-3 months before restarting toilet training (if you are working on it)
Anus pain relief: 
-           Sit on the warm water basin to dilate the anus muscle
-           Glycerin enema 

When should I take my child to the doctor? - If your child:
Younger than 4 months old
Gets constipated often
There is blood in BM or on the diaper/underwear
Has serious pain
You have been trying the steps listed above for 24 hours but your child has still not had BM