

By Victoria Healthcare 24 May 2019

  1. Always enjoy your breakfast like a king

Do you usually eat your breakfast while working, or even completely skipping it? If you don’t want to feel tired near lunch time and get seduced by junk food, you need to have a breakfast with sufficient nutrients such as beef soup noodle, vegetable salads, whole-grain cereals, fruits mixed yogurt, and smoothies plus good protein, such as eggs.  For Asian-style breakfasts, avoid “white food” (white rice, white bread, etc.): brown rice is fine, especially with some variety of eggs and veggies.

  1. Decorate the office with green plants

Green plants not only bring fresh air to the office but also help reduce stress and elevate your mood. You can choose plant such as Devil’s ivy, fern, snake plants, aloe vera, etc.  Our air in Saigon is becoming increasingly polluted and plants can help clean our indoor air.

  1. Bring your home made lunch

Pre-made foods often contain high calories, chemicals, and bad (trans) fats. Their safety is often in question. So, you should spend 30 to 45 minutes to prepare your lunch the previous night. This healthy habit will help you better control your weight and save more money compared to eating out.

  1. Sit in the proper posture while working

Sitting for long periods is not healthy.  Some say, “sitting is the new smoking”. Wrong sitting postures result in many serious consequences such as pain and soreness in the shoulders, neck, back, arms, and increase your risk of eye disorders. You should adjust your chair to a proper height so that when you place your hands on the keyboard, your elbows create a 90 degree angle. Your eyes should be 45 to 70 cm away from the screen with your shoulders relaxed and back always straight.

  1. Move around as much as possible

You shouldn’t sit in one place for more than 30 minutes. Some modern workplaces have hourly breaks, whereby you stand up and walk around for a minute or two. Therwise, leave your chair and relax by filling up your water bottles, going to the restroom, doing some stretching, etc.
Besides your high heels or formal shoes, you can keep a pair of sneakers in the office so you can walk around after lunch, go out for snacks or hit the gym after work. These activities are not only good for improving physical health but also helpful for reducing stress very effectively!