

By Victoria Healthcare 28 May 2019


1. Forget to drink water
You are likely to forget to drink water when you are too involved with your cardio exercises, weight lifting or other workouts. This puts you at risk of dehydration after a long period of strenuously exercising, resulting in tiredness and fatigue.

Water not only helps compensate the hydration you lost due to perspiration but also brings many health benefits such as regulating body temperature, preventing cramps, and supporting digestion.

2. Stretching after workout
Did you just skip stretching after working out just so you wouldn’t get to work late? This will make it more likely for you to get muscle aches as well as injuries since your body cannot unwind properly after rigorous physical activities.

Stretching not only helps you reduce stress but also promotes blood regulation, delivering oxygen and nutrients into muscles, thus encouraging body recovery.

3. Consuming fats
After workout, hunger makes it hard for you to resist the attractiveness of fatty foods such as fries. Fats not only interfere with digestion but also increases your chance of gaining weight.

You should choose foods rich in proteins such as egg, milk, salmon, shrimp, chicken chicken breast, broccoli, corn, banana, avocado, and apple to help tone your muscles.

Many trainers recommend not eating for an hour after exercising, however.

4. Avoid moving around
Many people think they have already had enough physical activities after working out, so they tend to avoid moving around for the rest of the day. If you have a desk job, the habit of sitting in one place for long periods of time may increase your risk of spine problems, cardiovascular diseases, overweight and obesity, to name a few.

To maintain an ideal weight and stay healthy, you need to move around frequently. Don’t sit for any longer than 30 minutes and opt for stairs instead of elevators! Get up and walk around, even with that desk job.

5. Lack of sleep
If you have the habit of bringing work home or going online for late night entertainment, you will have difficulty getting a good night’s sleep. Lack of sleep may increase your risk of stress, which may in turn make you skip working out due to fatigue.

You should adopt a healthy sleeping schedule, which includes going to bed at 10 to 11:00pm, and make an effort to have a good night sleep so your body can recover after a day of strenuous workouts.

Do not look at a TV, computer, or smartphone screen (without a bluelight filter) for an hour before bedtime. The blue light tells your brain to stay awake.