
Dermatology/ Laser treatment

Dermatology/ Laser treatment

Dermatology is a medical department which is specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases or disorders of skin, hair, nails, and STD- Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
In Victoria Healthcare International Clinic, Dermatology department is fully equipped, with a team of qualified and skilled doctors who are always willing to consult and cooperate with patients to deal with problems from common diseases such as acne, seborrheic dermatitis, skin inflammation and infection, urticaria, food allergy, cosmetic allergy and contact dermatitis, etc., to chronic diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, dyshidrosis on palms or foot, ect.
In additional, Dermatology in Victoria Healthcare Internation Clinic also uses a number of modern technologies to bring beauty to the skin, solve skin aesthetic problems such as acne scars and acne bruise, anti-aging care, and shrink pores.